Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This is Why I Hate NYU Kids

At Which Point I Assume the Government Supplies You with a Personal Chef

NYU chick #1: What's the poverty level anyway?
NYU chick #2: I don't know, like $100,000 a year?

--NYU Dorm

via Overheard in New York, Mar 26, 2009

We're not all this bad... but I still want to apologize on behalf of my college.


  1. And that is why I love you. ~Molli

  2. Seriously, it's closer to like $75k right? those nyu kids are so silly...

  3. wow. yet another reason why is awesome.

  4. Im an NYU student. I was verbally and physically abused as a child and during my senior year I finally won a case for my independence against my mother. I was offered scholarships at NYU, but not enough to fully fund my education so I worked two jobs my freshman year. I am 19 and proud to say that Ive been admitted to University of Chicago and Columbia as well. Not all NYU students are filthy rich and unaware of the world's economic status, relying on mom and dad's income, some of us simply want an amazing education and make plenty of sacrifices for it.
