Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Daily Deals from the Bargain Babe!

Although I probably shouldn't be posting about competing blogs, this one was too good to pass up: a woman known only as Julia has created a website on which she posts coupons, bargains, promotions, and countless other ways to save cash, all updated daily.

According to the website, Julia's mission statement is "to help you become a savvy-spender so you can take control of your finances and thrive during the recession." And it's working: the site's been featured in a variety of newspapers throughout the tri-state area, from NJ's Star Ledger to AM New York. Even Time Magazine mentioned her site in an online feature. 

The "bargain babe," who describes herself as a "cheapskate by nature and a journalist by training," features links to coupon and deal sites on her page, as well as several. Although the Babe is based in New York, many of her deals are applicable beyond the city- such as today's offer for a free reusable water bottle from any Disney store when you bring in three bottles to recycle. 

The site covers a wide variety of topics- from cheap dates ideas to bank promotions (apparently, Chase is offering $100 to anyone who opens a checking account...) so check it out if you're in a pinching penny phase. And let's face it... who isn't?  

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